Love story of Lake Michigan and Baltic Sea in the times of Capitalocene realized by Łukasz Jastrubczak, Krzysztof Kaczmarek and Justyna Wąsik Polish
Soundtrack project - Sound walks juxtaposing American and Polish
contexts. Affiliated with PRLS studies at UIC Chicago broadcasted OCT 13th 2023 at Ohio Street Beach in Chicago in order of appearance Irena
Santor "Morze" feat. Chief Keef ![]() DOWNLOAD FULL PROGRAMME IN PDF
Soundtrack. The Last Chance curators: Justyna
Wąsik & Beate Geissler with Katarzyna
Majchrowicz-Wolny and support of Michał
Paweł Markowski Oct.
10-14 at UIC, by Lake Michigan & North Branch of the Chicago
River Day
1 (Tue, Oct. 10) 12-3pm Plant Research
Laboratory, 1020 S. Union St. Experimental workshop on alternative ways of
sharing, interacting with the environment, and collectively acting +Wild Weeds Picnic by Ewa Polska + Premiere of It Belong to
The Cucumbers - a book co-authored by students of
POL150 (Intro to Polish Cinema, 23’) + Art Garden Tour by Katelyn Patton 3-5:30 Screening Room
3226 AEH: Improvisational
Realism: open class of ATMOSPHERICS - Doc
Media / Art of the Real by Deborah
Stratman 5:45-7:30 Screening Room 3226 AEH Film screenings
trilogy, 2017-2021 Beate Geissler and Oliver Sann “Pawel i Wawel” (dir.
Krzysztof Kaczmarek, co-written with Justyna Wąsik) Day
2 (Wed, Oct. 11) 2-6 pm Institute
for the
Humanities, 1007 W Harrison St Suite 153 “Sink
or Swim. Humanities and Arts in the Anthropocene” - 2-4pm PANEL 1 Keynote: Michał
Markowski - “On Walking” Presentation + discussions: Janek Sowa (on zoom) -‘Walking with a Sense of
Purpose. Crisis, Utopia and Imagination in the Contemporary World’
(intervention) Julia
(on zoom) - "How to be an earthling: thoughts on ecopoetics" (a poet's talk)
by: Łukasz
4:15-6pm PANEL 2 Presentations
+ discussions by: Ralph
Cintrón - 'unknowing
knowing' (cross examinations) Katarzyna Majchrowicz-Wolny "The Ocean of Potential. On the Relationship Aishath
Huda (‘Water as Method’ - artist talk) Response
by: Julia
Vaingurt 7-11 pm Boring Drug
concert & DJ set by Vesolo
(The Chopin
Theatre, 1543 W
Division St) Day
3 (Th, Oct. 12) Henry Hall
106, 935 W
Harrison St 12-1:30
pm Art presentation & workshop on DIY survival strategies in
the Anthropocene
& late capitalist art world by Janek Simon 1:30-2:55
pm Fieldwork
and Creativity in Anthropocene
Landscapes with
videos from Yalburt Yaylasi Landscape Research Project (2010-2018) Day
4 (Fr, Oct. 13)
Walking the Walk Caffe Oliva at Ohio Street Beach, 600 N Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, IL 60611
5-5:45 pm Polish Soundtrack. The Last Chance Walk Caffe
Oliva at Ohio Street Beach, 600 N
Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, IL 60611 by Łukasz Jastrubczak, Krzysztof Kaczmarek & Justyna Wąsik
5 (Sat, Oct.14) Wild
Mile Urban Rivers, Meeting point @ Urban Rivers 11am Walk About It by the Anthropocene Lab, Deep Time
Chicago & Urban
Rivers +
Walk by Ewa Polska Polish
Soundtrack. The Last Chance is co-sponsored by |