Institute of Articipation by Warsaw Bauhaus
"Game" in frames of Konteksty in Berlin
Richard Onyango "Kangalika" at TRAFO
DomDom w CentrumCentrum
CC takes part in workshops initiated by Temporary Gallery in Cologne
Lukasz Jastrubczak takes part in a project POLISH SOUNDTRACK. THE LAST CHANCE, organised in University of Illinois at Chicago
Game in frames of Warsaw Bauhaus Grainstorming
CC at Gwangju Biennale in frames of Postartistic Polish Pavilion
DUOS Festival "Social Ecology" curated by Lukasz Jastrubczak
November 5th 2022 - "Investigative lecture on Tree pipit's House" by Artur Rozen
Performative lecture "Polish Soundtrack" at The University of Illinois at Chicago
"for G. Kiesewalter" music and storytelling in frames of "Mózg" Festival
cassette by DUCH "Y" issued by POINTLESS GEOMETRY
the film "Exhibition of The Last Shell - trailer"
at Narracje Festival
September 11th 2021
Tea Andreoletti and ArtLab Yakutsk at CentrumCentrum
CentrumCentrum at Radio Alicja
at Seahorse School in Kilifi (Kenya)
Presentation of a film "Night in the Center" and photographs from the collection of CentrumCentrum in the exhibition at TRAFO
- a short story of Richard Onyango
Performance of Beth Collar „THIS IS HOW I’VE LIVED (but, the Mongol Hordes!)
- workshops with student
of Dutch Art Institute
CentrumCentrum takes part in an
"Rocky Landscape"
at Bunkier Sztuki in Kraków
of the
Capital at Bode Museum, Neues Museum and Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle in
is taking part in an exhibition
at Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
"Making use. Life in postartistic times"
Collection of the
CentrumCentrum at National Museum
in Warsaw
Capital at "Realny
Obszar Działań"
in Warsaw